Upcoming Events

Explore The Actuarial Society of Malaysia exclusive events and happenings.

13th Annual General Insurance and Takaful Actuarial Seminar (GITAS)

The Annual General Insurance and Takaful Actuarial Seminar (GITAS) is back again! 

Building on last year's fantastic turnout, we are inviting all actuaries, experts, and academics to explore topics related to a broad range of local and global challenges faced by the insurance industry.

Job Opportunity

Sign Up As A Member

The membership of the Association is open to all former students. There are four categories class of membership – Studen, Ordinary, Associate and Fellow Members.





Membership Renewal 2024

The closing date for renewal is on 31 March 2024. If you do not renew your membership by 31 March 2024, your membership will be suspended, after which you may use the form for reinstatement of membership. Note that reinstatement fees shall be applicable.

Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

The CPD Scheme applies to all Fellow members of the Actuarial Society of Malaysia (ASM) carrying the designation of FASM. The CPD year is from 1 January to 31 December each year.
